We need jobs in the U.S.

| 02 Feb 2016 | 05:12

    The question isn't: Why is there so much employment? The question is: Will there be any jobs left for Americans?

    Yesterday, I couldn't get a dial tone on our Century Link landline phone, so using my wife's cell phone, i called Century Link's 800 number. After what seemed like an hour screwing around with their computer answering system, what sounded like an actual human came on the line. I explained our problem and the woman said that she would transfer my call to a service rep. Obviously, my call was immediately disconnected.

    Same drill second time. This time, when the operator transferred my call to a service rep, a male voice came on the line. Hearing his voice, I immediately asked him where he was located. He replied: "Cebu." I happen to know that Cebu is not located in Newton, or even in Newark, N.J.

    Question: Couldn't Century Link find even one person in all of these United States who was qualified to be a service rep?

    Question: Why did my service call from Wantage have to go to the Philippines?

    Question: Are there any American companies left in business?

    I sure hope that God is going to save these United States because it appears obvious that no one else is even trying to.

    William H. Gettler