'The pro-life position gives a woman a choice'

| 01 Feb 2017 | 12:51

    In “Because: Everything” (1/27/17, The Warwick Advertiser), statements made by participants in the Women’s March showed a lack of civility.
    A sign depicting a rude gesture and a statement “If you don’t like abortion, don’t have one” are disrespectful of people with an opposing view.
    Such statements do not invite further discussion of an important issue.
    I don’t think these people are representative of the majority of Americans.
    There was a difference in tone between the Women’s March and the March for Life one week later.
    The March for Life participants focused on the issue of the right to life and on facts that supported that position.
    The language of speakers and participants was civil and showed compassion for women and their families.
    Speakers supported the pro-life position with facts based on the Declaration of Independence, science, morality and religion.
    A woman considering abortion needs information, facts and evidence, which will help her to make her decision.
    The pro-abortion position only directs a woman to one choice: abortion.
    The pro-life position gives a woman choice by providing her with information about alternatives to abortion.
    After she makes her choice, the pro-life position also provides a woman with on-going support (e.g., Birthright, My Choice, Several Sources, Sisters of Life).
    Anne L. Gross