No global warming since the 90s

| 20 Jun 2017 | 04:52

    The Lacawac Sanctuary claims that the earth is warming at an unprecedented rate. In truth, there has been no warming since the 90s. The only warming to be found has been projected by computer models — all of which have been unfailingly inaccurate. As the entire science of Global Warming is based upon these consistently erroneous models, it's hard to understand why people continue to put such earnest faith in them.
    These computer models have even been applied to past weather conditions for which we have immaculate records for comparison, and they still come up wide of the mark. I know of no one dumb enough to believe a weather forecast for 10 minutes from now, and yet Global Warmists would have us believing projections 100 years into the future. Despite claims to the contrary, there is no Climate Consensus. How could there be, when abundant proof exists in showing that statistics and research have been fiddled with across the board in order to fit the prevailing doomsday scenario?
    The study of weather is a fascinating subject that is worthy of ongoing scientific attention. However, it is premature in the extreme to claim that Global Warming is an incontrovertible fact. It is anything but. Despite exhaustive studies on the subject, there is no evidence that supports any claim of man-made Global Warming. Nor is there proof that Global Warming itself actually exists! We've been keeping records long enough to realize that weather patterns of all kinds are cyclical and normal. So what is happening today has been happening in one form or another for centuries.
    Famed physicist Richard Feynman said that, "Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts." As blogger Andrew Thomas notes, "This is a great truism to keep in mind when encountering climate alarmists who promote themselves as 'experts'." Moreover, Weather Channel founder John Coleman says that any "consensus" claimed by scientists on these issues is completely suspect. That’s because only those scientists who agree with the government’s idea of man-made global warming get funding from federal research bodies.
    Coleman continues, "Even Al “Inconvenient Truth” Gore will agree that between 1880 and 2015, there’s only been three-tenths of a percent change in global temperatures, an amount that any number of scientists say is statistically insignificant. Antarctic sea ice is growing, not shrinking, Arctic sea ice has remained stable, and the number of polar bears in the world (about 25,000, according to most scientific estimates) is approximately four to five times the total that was in existence in the 1970s."
    The state of the world keeps improving as CO2 emissions increase. This is not too hard to understand: trees take in CO2 and give off oxygen, which, come to think of it, is what we breathe. So what's the problem? It sounds like a great arrangement to me!
    EPA observes that "doomsayers in previous ages, usually are able to amass personal fortunes from their ‘public spirited’ work. On that score, Michael Mann, Raj Pauchari (Chair of the UN IPCC), Al Gore, James Hansen take a bow – along with their bank managers. Fascinatingly, those who have stood outside the 'prevailing consensus', almost never make money from their position." Despite his error-filled "Inconvenient Truth", Al Gore rakes in mega bucks, thanks to his massive investments in alternative energy pursuits which depend upon the gullible to fund. He lives extravagantly in a home that eats up enough energy to fuel a small city for 6 months, yet we, the great unwashed, are exhorted to live in the style of a peasant from the Middle Ages.
    As Cuba Gooding said in "Jerry Maguire", it's always wise to follow the money, folks.
    Sue Speck