Vernon, Mountain Creek linked

| 16 Oct 2017 | 01:05

    Councilwoman Murphy’s recent letter in the Advertiser demonstrates clearly why Mrs. Murphy should not be a Councilwoman let alone Council President. The purpose of the sewer expansion study, which she voted for and then voted to suspend for over 18 months was for a study to be conducted by the Vernon Township Utilities Authority. A study that will not cost the township $10,000 as did a previously flawed study for which she did vote for nor will the study permit the VTMUA to spend one dollar without council approval. The study will provide the VTMUA with potential areas of sewer expansion to increase the number of users now on line. Mrs. Murphy does not provide any alternative to this problem, a problem that needs to be addressed as quickly as possible.
    Mrs. Murphy again demonstrates her inability to understand the complex business relationship that exists with our largest taxpayer and major employer and with the township by asking why Councilman Wetzel, Councilwoman Ooms and I continue to support the interests of Mountain Creek and not the interests of Vernon’s residents. Nothing could be further from the truth. The interests of Mountain Creek and the vital interests of township residents are inextricably linked and have been for decadesAsk any small business owner in town about Mountain Creek and they will quickly tell you that when Mountain Creek’s business is good so is theirs and when Mountain Creek’s business is bad they feel that loss as well. In trying to make sure that we are doing everything possible to help Mountain Creek succeed, we are truly working for the benefit of homeowners, the Vernon residential taxpayer.
    As a major employer in our community Mountain Creek provides over 60 full-time positions and employ about 1,500 part-time employees. As the largest taxpayer in the township Mountain Creek pays about $1.3 million dollars in taxes to the community not to mention excise and hotel taxes. This represents about 5 tax points which if not paid by Mountain Creek would have to be borne by the community. Working closely with Mountain Creek is not only good business it is smart business. The future of Vernon Township is much brighter if they are able to grow and prosper.
    Let me end by raising one question that is obvious, what happens to Vernon Township without Mountain Creek. The answer is not elusive; it is obvious. Mrs. Murphy offers no viable alternative, no option that does not create financial hardship for the township.
    Patrick Rizzuto
    Councilman Vernon Township