The left pushes evil rhetoric about our president

| 30 Jan 2019 | 12:32

    Editor's note: The following letter is in response to Mary Jo Thomas's letter "Mexico won’t pay? So glad you will," published in the Jan. 11 edition.

    To the Editor:
    I agree Trump promised Mexico would pay for the wall. But Obama said you can keep your health plan and your doctor and we know how that turned out. However this is a little different. Now our hard earned money that we pay our taxes with will be diverted to secure the border.
    First point, by diverting taxes for the wall means less tax to go for the education of your children and also the education of illegal aliens. Second point, less subsidy to lower your health care costs and every illegal alien who comes here and gets on the health care train and welfare. Third point, by not securing our border, for every person who comes to the United States we run the risk of that person committing a crime and please spare me the fact that we already have crime in the U.S. We certainly don't need more crime, which is what many illegals bring with them. Fourth point, every terrorist knows the best way to get in to the U.S. is through the southern border. And the last point, less money for our military and law enforcement to protect the people of the United States. For God's sake what do you think a strong law enforcement does...hand out lollipops?
    Personally I am pretty sick of all the personal attacks on our president. If he were a liberal or a Democrat or if it were Queen Hillary the liberals would be down on their knees praising her. Instead we have daily attacks from the media calling Trump Hitler, a racist, a homophobe and a Nazi and a fascist, and personally I myself am pretty disgusted with what passes for decency these days, insults one after another. And we also have Maxine Waters calling for Democrats to get in the faces of Republicans and accost them at restaurants, which something Obama also promoted when he said "I want you to get in their faces."
    I could go on all day about the evil rhetoric the left pushes but I will leave that up to you to watch what is really happening to our country. America is slowly being led into a socialist state and I for one don't want to live in Venezuela.
    Joe Guerra
    Milford, Pa.