Margaret Distasi

| 24 Oct 2019 | 02:42

Office Sought: Vernon Township CouncilAge: 71

Political History: Working with State and County officials for 11 years, pertaining to stopping the illegal solid waste facility located on Silver Spruce Dr. Established a sound foundation of professionals, working in unison, to bring this to ordinances being written locally, Trenton working on new laws, and creation of citizen advocacy awareness.

Occupation: Retired from financial services

Family: Husband, Patrick; Son, Craig; Daughter, Sharon; 3 grandchildren

Top three issues: 1. Taxes: Under the current Administration, there has been a consistent history of tax increases due to questionable fiscal management. Recommend Six month moratorium on non-essential expenditures, Reign in excessive consulting, legal and engineering fees, explore solar energy for public buildings, review Vernon’s investment rate of return. 2. Transparency. Open forum at all meeting, reestablish committee that have failed to meet it’s obligations; invite community participation, work towards a more positive and progressive atmosphere. 3. Environment; No resident should ever experience what we have endured during this environment disaster. I am committed to ensure out local officials never fail to protect us again.