Leave areas of natural beauty as they are

| 16 Sep 2023 | 08:13

    I read with interest the article in the Sept. 14-Sept. 20 edition of the Advertiser-News North.

    I remember the proposed Tocks Island Dam project, the uprooting of citizens living in the area that was purchased and the subsequent (years down the line) abandonment of that plan.

    I receive regularly pleas for funds to support National Park endeavors in areas across the country along with newsletters touting accomplishments made in maintaining them.

    The question really is do we need more nationally designated areas that may interfere with the needs, desires and recreation of people living in the areas affected?

    My opinion is no; let what is truly some very natural and enjoyable beauty in northwestern New Jersey, as well as other areas in neighboring states along the Delaware, remain as they are.

    Concentrate on the existing infrastructure maintenance that allows tourists to see what is already enjoyable to behold.

    Gael Lawlor
