People do have a choice

Sussex /
| 24 Dec 2023 | 12:42

    It is easy now to forget what people went through regarding the tyranny that the government, agencies and corporations did to humanity to get shots, wear masks, distance and be on lock down (as if you were a prisoner).

    If places of employment ever pull that card again, you must realize that you do have a choice. You can say no and let them fire you. Eventually you will be vindicated.

    Why would you want to work for a place that wouldn’t respect your bodily autonomy? You can always look for another job.

    Many people that were let go are now confident in the decision that they made - as they have their health intact.

    Some brave people that can question the narrative are willing to understand that they were lied to in many ways.

    More and more evidence is being revealed ... but it does require research to understand what is happening and the bigger picture at play.

    Always remember, “truth does not mind being questioned, but a lie does not like being challenged.”

    Jonathan Leroux
