Artists invited to 'Celebrate New Jersey'

| 31 Jan 2014 | 02:49

    The Sussex County Arts and Heritage Council presents a call to artists for the upcoming exhibit “Celebrate New Jersey” at the Newton Judicial Center. Artists may enter two dimensional works of art related to this theme in any medium. This exhibit is open to members and non-members of the council.

    New Jersey, with its rich colonial and Revolutionary War history, turns 350 years old this year. It sports cities, suburbs, ocean access, rivers, farms, forests, and, in Sussex County, more black bears per square mile than in Alaska. It is a state rich in history as well as cutting edge fine arts, great schools and universities.

    Artists are invited to share their interpretation of New Jersey's many dimensions by exhibiting in the more than 200 year old county seat, Newton.

    The Exhibit will run from Feb. 11 to March 25. All drop off and pick up is at The Sussex County Judicial Center, 43-47 High Street, Newton, 2nd Floor Public Gallery.

    Drop off is Tuesday, Feb. 11, 2 to 4 and 6 to 7 p.m. Prospectus can be found on the SCAHC web site, or at the council’s office.

    The Sussex County Arts and Heritage Council is located at 133 Spring Street in Newton and the phone number is 937-383-0027. The council’s hours are Tuesday through Friday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.