Power rock trio Kings X to rock Beatles-style music
NEWTON — Power rock trio Kings X will rock the Newton Theatre on Friday, May 2.
Kings X is a critically respected Texas band that boasts Beatles-style harmonies, hard rock and blues riffs, and a dose of prog ambition. The trio, bassist/vocalist Dug Pinnick, guitarist/vocalist Ty Tabor, and drummer/vocalist Jerry Gaskill, blend melodic harmonies, metallic riffing, and prog rock detours.
Pinnick first met Gaskill when the duo was touring with the Christian rock outfit Petra, and soon after, met up-and-coming guitarist Tabor. The trio joined forces in 1980 with the Top 40 cover band the Edge and thoroughly played the Missouri bar scene. By 1983, the band had changed its name to Sneak Preview and was now completely focusing on original compositions — resulting in an obscure and very hard to find self-titled debut album released around this time.
Sneak Preview were offered a recording contract in 1985 if they relocated to Houston, Texas, which they did, but the deal failed to materialize. Undeterred, the trio continued on and perfected its sound and song writing further, catching a break when ZZ Top video producer Sam Taylor took the group under his wing, helping it secure a recording contract with New York's Megaforce label in 1987, and suggesting that the band change its name to King's X (the name of a local outfit that Taylor was an admirer of back in his high-school days). In 1988, King's X released their debut album, "Out of the Silent Planet."
Tickets for Kings X are $32 for premium seating, $27 for orchestra and $22 for balcony. Purchase tickets by visiting www.thenewtontheatre.com or contact the box office at 973-383-3700.
The historic Newton Theatre is located at 234 Spring Street in Newton, N.J.