Heather Passaro of Vernon, Kate Ruszkiewicz of Sussex and Nicole Smith of Wantage were named tothe dean's list at Centenary College for coursework completed for the fall 2013 semester.
John Torpey of Sussex was named to the dean's list for the fall 2013 semester at Wheaton College.
Dean's list honors are earned at Wheaton by undergraduate students who carry 12 or more credit hours and achieve a 3.5 grade point average or higher on the 4.0 scale.
Matt Tintle and Dan Tintle of Vernon both made the dean's list at Marywood University in Scranton, Pa. They are criminal justice majors. Matt is captain of the men's basketball team and has begun work on his master's degree. Last summer, he completed an internship with the U.S. Marshall's Office in Scranton.
Dan is on the men's basketball tema and the men's tennis team. He also recently joined the Pennsylvania National Guard.
Megan R. Matchett of Vernon was named to the dean's list at The University for the Fall 2013 semester.
In order to be named to the list, students must achieve a 3.5 or better grade point average. Matchett also is on the Alpha Lamda Delta Honor Society.
Georgine Runnalls of Sussex recently graduated from The Berkeley College School of Health Studies from the college's practical nursing program.
Richard Kolasa of Highland Lakes, a fourth-year student in the professional photograpic illustration program at Rochester Institute of Technology's College of Imaging Arts and Sciences, was named to the dean's list for the fall 2013 semester.
Degree-seeking undergraduate students are eligible for Dean's List if their quarterly GPA is greater than or equal to 3.4, they do not have any grades of "Incomplete", "D" or "F"; and they have registered for, and completed, at least 12 credit hours.
Carl Stevenson of Vernon, a student at Wilkes University, hs been selected to perofrm with the PA Intercollegiate band.
The band is composed of student musicians from universities and colleges across the state and is the longest running band of its kind in the nation. This year, the intercollegiate band has commissioned a new piece by composer Dana Wilson titled Quest, which will premiered at the March 2 concert at Shippensburg University.
Stevenson, a junior computer science major, plays the trombone.
Alyssa Morrissey of Vernon has been named to the dean's list at Seton Hall University for the fall 2013 semester with a GPA of 3.9. She is a junior elementary education and special education and English major.
Based on her academic achievements, she is a member of three honor societies: National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Kappa Delta Pi, and Golden Key International Honour Society.