DVD to help families detect stuttering available at libraries

| 22 Feb 2012 | 07:58

    A DVD called, “Stuttering and Your Child: Help for Families,” helps parents detect stuttering and take action toward helping their child and is available at most area public libraries. Produced by the 60-year-old nonprofit Stuttering Foundation, the DVD describes what kinds of stuttering young children may exhibit, how parents can help at home, and the role of a speech pathologist in evaluating and treating children who stutter. “Stuttering typically begins between the ages of two and five,” said Barry Guitar, Ph.D., professor and chair of Communication Sciences at the University of Vermont in Burlington. “It may begin gradually or suddenly, and many of these children outgrow their disfluencies naturally. However, if a child continues to stutter for several months, or appears to be frustrated by it, parents should seek assistance.” The DVD, which is available in English and Spanish, is free to all public libraries. If you are interested in checking out this DVD but your local library doesn’t have it, ask staff to contact the Stuttering Foundation at 800-992-9392; or visit www.stutteringhelp.org and www.tartamudez.org.