EarthFest offers music, puppets and snakes

VERNON EarthFest will be held at Mountain Creek on Route 94 on Sunday, April 26 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. EarthFest is a free event where residents can come together “to celebrate, protect and promote the stunning natural environment around us,” said planning officials. Performances include: Wolf Visions will discuss the myths and legends of wolves. These presentations provide information to develop a basic understanding of communication within a wolf pack and the social structure of the wolf family. The highlight of this program is the introduction of the center’s “live lupine canine.” Drum Circle will present interactive native music and dance. Participants will learn how to play the drums. Snakes-N- Scales will present an environmental education programs for people of all ages, with an emphasis on “learning through enjoyment.” Two interactive presentations include the “Sea Life Show” and the “Strange World of Reptiles.” Wonderband nAnnie and her husband, “Safari Bob” present an interactive show that includes music inspired by nature. Steve Charney and Harry will present comedy, magic, music, ventriloquism and more. “New Yorker Magazine” has called Charney “a scholar of various types of lunacy.” Close Encounters with Birds of Prey n The Delaware Valley Raptor Center will bring five live raptors: a hawk, a falcon, two owls, and an eagle for a one hour talk covering predator/prey relationships, wildlife rehabilitation, specific adaptations of the birds present, and various issues facing wildlife today. Town Clean Up n Vernon Township residents are encouraged to dispose of their bulk items at the DPW complex on Church Street. Call the Vernon Department of Public Works or visit for details. Student Programs - A photography contest for high school students living in Vernon is also underway. The entries will be exhibited at Mountain Creek during Earthfest. Students in the lower grades will be submitting artwork made from recycled materials for an art contest and display. Vendor Booths - Many companies and organizations will have information booths about the environment and more. Booth rental available by contacting the Chamber of Commerce at 973-764-0764. Space is limited and first come-first served. Skylar May Performance n May is the opening act for the Jonas Brothers who will perform on the main stage. There will also be appearances by “Mad Science of New Jersey,” “Pacifists of Fury” and “Karaoke Done Right” as well as dance performances by the “Simply Dance” dance school and karate demonstrations by the Vernon Valley Karate School. The Smoke House, along with Vernon Township fire trucks, police cars, and ambulance will be on display. Hiking, cooking classes, hang gliding and cave/bat presentation time will take place throughout the day. Call Melody Duffy at 973-764-0764 for information or to volunteer. Local sponsors, businesses and non-profits participants are also sought.