Farewell to Vernon High
The mountains gazed down on the valley of blue and yellow. Students in flowing gowns streamed gracefully into formation led by traditional bagpipers. Vernon High School’s graduation ceremonies were held June 22, on one of the scarce dry days this month. The football field, home to so many celebrations throughout the years, provided a familiar place for commencement. After days of relentless rain, the clouds faded away and a gentle sunshine graced the turf. Ladies to the left, men to the right, the sea of blue and gold split down the middle as the students were seated. Class reflections and speeches ignited laughter, tears and cheers as memories of the years leading up to this day were visited. As the sun began to set, diplomas were awarded and the graduates’ journey completed. Joy, happiness, sadness, relief, excitement a spectrum of emotions in a sea of celebration as the Alma Mater rang, “Hail to thee, Oh Vernon High, sing with songs of joyous praise Hail to thee, Oh Vernon High, sing with songs of joyous praise.” Vernon High School Class of 2009 Brandy Laura Abert Michelle Carre´ Achtau Mark Adamcik Matthew P. Agosta Anthony Aguanno Nicholas V. Alamo Chanah E. Ambuter Lorin Paige Andalora Jordan L. Anderson Ayman C. Andrews Stephen Antonecchia Colleen Patricia Aquino Donella Askew Michael Joseph Ast Theodora Avramidis Stephanie Alicia Bahamonde Anthony C. Bahr Genevieve Rose Bailey Kelly Ann Bailey Joseph Ryan Baker Jacob A. Ball Edward Bandarek Brian Barrett Steven D. Basso Amanda Michelle Batkin Amy Lynn Baxter Sean Beebe Michael T. Bell Ashanti Akeem Benjamin Kara Lynn Benkendorf Mark Andrew Benning Joseph Bernarducci Bradley Bernet Christopher Bihler Michael Bihler Kaily Maria Bittle Sean Boasi Julia Bohn Malcolm Bonilla Michael Borell Sean M. Botsko Olga Bouzyla Danielle Boydston Steevi Jee Brandt Thomas Bretz Victoria Anne Brinkman Stefanie Bucher Jessica R. Burdzy Steven T. Buro John Bush Tonimarie Joan Caravela Dana Felicia Carroll Scott F. Cassell Brianna Castor Joel A. Castro Joseph F. Celentano Matthew James Ceurvels Samuel T. Chciuk Corey Christen Donald Christmann Sean Peter Clark Tara L. Clegg Sara Marie Cohen Michael Colvin Travis E. Connelly Marc Conticelli Shannon A. Cooke Alanna Lee Cooper Geovany R. Cordero Tyler Courter Katrna Lynn Cricelli Brittany Debra Crispino Caitlin Marie Cromley Nicole Kristine Crowe Alyssa Marie Crum Alexis Lucette Gloria Cruz Amanda Csakvary Brandon Patrick Cummings Connor Martin Cummins Amanda E. Curtis Martina D’Amico Amanda R. D’Auria Katelyn Elizabeth Dahlin Matthew Daly Mason Joseph Darella Veronica Ann DeBacco Allyson Deckenback Erica L. DeCoite Meghan Alicia DeCoite Nicole DeLuca Kyle Diaz Caroline DiMartino Andrew DiZenzo Kelly Lynn Doherty Carol Nicole Domilski Christina Lee Donato Linzy Anne Donato Shelby Lyn Drake Steven B. Dunlop Conor Dunnigan Nadine A. Dykenga Julie Ebers Shawn Eccles Blake English Chase English Michelle Leigh Enman Karl Thomas Esposito Myles David Eustace Megan L. Ezzo Christine N. Fagnano Andre Elvin Angel Febus Ashleigh Clare Ferguson Charles P. Fernandes Michael D. Festa Adam E. Fewkes Jennifer Lynn Fiedler Nicolas Finck Amanda Marie Fioravanti Emily Fisher Sean R. Flynn Richard Fox Daniel Franklin Kelly Anne Freeman Ryan Juan Furrey Samuel C. Fusco Trevor M. Gallant Rachael Alicia Gallo Casey Gambuti Corinne Gannon Gabriella A. Gencarelli Robert Gennaro Evan J. Gilardi Frank Joseph Gingerelli III Thomas D. Glasspool Christopher R. Gocklin Kaitlin Taylor Goetchius Nicholas Gonzalez Ruben P. Gonzalez Vincent K. Gonzalez Julianne Alexandra Grammerstorf Lauren Michelle Grasso Douglas A. Green Stephen William Grib Erik R. Griebel Brett Grieder Erin Griffin Stephanie Nicole Grossmann Heather A. Guarini Ronald Guiliano, Jr. Sydney Guttilla Thomas H. Haas Robert W. Haase Kristi Diana Haddeland Michael Hagemann Jennifer Brittany Haid Thomas K. Hallett Daniel James Hamilton Kenneth James Hammerton Christopher R. Hart Richard Charles Hartmann, Jr. Ashley Hastings Jaimie Lynn Hazen Alyssa M. Hazinski Kyle Hearn Chelsea Marie Hegner Brooke Heller Darylann Heller Michelle Marie Hemberger Nicole L. Hengge Brandon Henkelman Kathleen Hennessy David Michael Hering Clayton J. Heslin Bradley Scott Higgins Kelsey E. Higgins David M. Hill Dana Marie Hines Sarah E. Hoch Nicholas Hoit Taylor Howard Kayla Howell Matthew George Iannaccone Caitlin Ashley Imbimbo Anthony John Insetta Ashley Michelle Intveld James Martin Iozia Camille J. Jadotte Nouralis Jalkh Sean Michael Jaron Brian Michael Jernick, Jr. Melissa Morgan Jerram Allan Joerger Allison Jurgensen Samantha C. Kabe Stephen Joseph Kachur Cody G. Kapetanakis Andrew Kapocsi Erik Marius Karlsen Sean M. Kaslaitis Colleen Kelsey Keegan Daniel V. Kelly Matthew T. Kelly Michael J. Kelly Steven M. Kelmelis William E. Kenerson Sean A. Kennedy Daniel Keppler David Kinney Jeffrey J. Kiraly Nicole Kirkos Justin Kittredge Kristen Kliemisch Jonathan Taylor Klos Travis J. Klumpp Kristina Kosco Nicole S. Kowalczyk Matthew Robert Kozdron Adam J. Kraus Anna Kruge Colleen Kusma Elyse Christine Kusma Vincent D. LaConti Jessica Lagana Blythe Lalley Tyler Lambert Ashley A. Landry Robert John Laurice Brittany Marie Lausch Margaret M. Leggour Anastasia A. Lenz Quincey L. Lewinson Daniel Liddell Elise J. Lincoln Michael J. Linder Michelle Christine Lipari John William Locher Nicole Marie Loder Patrick Logan Christopher Phillip Longano Raymond P. Loughren Eric Luchesi Michael T. Lustrino Daniel Luthcke Katelyn Irene MacDonald Alexander John Maggi Zachary Kevin Maher Carlos Andre´ Maldonado Caiser Pedro Vicente Maldonado Caiser Julian M. Manfredo Christopher Maranino Alexandra Hope Marcellari Danielle Nicole Margroff Thomas V. Maroney Danielle Elise Marushan Ashlee McCabe Melissa Marie McCabe Kyle James McCall Troy Daniel McCann Ainsley Anne McClachrie Elizabeth Catherine McClachrie Tyler Rex McClure Trevor Rocco McCullough Devin McLaughlin Karisma Mehta Gordon Merck Haley Alexandra Merritt Nicole E. Meyers Timothy Oyaro Michiemo Samantha M. Mihm Kayla N. Miller Merissa H. Miller Bradford Mills Lauren Jean Mindos Ryan Moffitt Emily M. Mohr Thomas Lindon Mokray Shealey Molinini Ryan Christopher Molloy Christopher Monico Seth Richard Moore Adelaida Morales Kerry Jean Mulligan Sarah Rose Munley Justin E. Murphy Chelsea Marie Natiello Laura Lee Neff Nghia Duc Nguyen Andrew Nix Kyle Nooter Rachel L. Nutto Kevin James O’Keefe Ryan J. Oksienik David Orlowicz Shawn Gregory Osborne Sean Ozment Paul V. Palka Drew A. Panaccione Tyler Pappas Joseph Anthony Patti, Jr. Erica Nicole Pentony Justin Perry Jamie Petruzziello Michael Anthony Piela Jesse Pirnat Samantha Moore Pittelko Thomas J. Polizos John Ponstingel Sarah Pross Taylor W. Purdue Joseph Raperto Eric Matthew Rebisz Elizabeth Claire Reda Samantha M. Reddy Dana Rego Derek Rego Andrew Charles Reisinger Victoria Rich Stephen Richards Melanie R. Rocha Arielle Rose Rodriguez Jennifer L. Roettger David Rolando Jason Romanelli Samantha Nicole Rose Eric Robert Rossi Brian M. Rourke Eric Christopher Roux Michael Edward Rovinsky Erica L. Rozenfelds Eric Samuel Ryan Jaymichael A. Rymarz Samantha Alexis Sabyan Michael Saft, Jr. Amanda Marie Salamone Kristen Michelle Sanders Jesse L. Savela Chelsea L. Schmidt Nicholas Gabriel Schreck Christiana Schuchert Ryan R. Schulz Rachel Schumann Devynne N. Scilingo Maggie Lea Selsor Destinie Fantasia Serrano James Robert Setlock Zachary Shortway Katherine M. Silva Matthew S. Simons Carly Mae Sireno Casandra Lynn Sisco Kathryn Anne Sisco Thomas C. Skirtun Jared Slate Charles Michael Smigen III Brianna C. Smith Christiina Sokk Andrew G. Soltes Megan Karen Soro Allegra Margaret Sparta Bret Anthony Todd Speer Matthew J. Sperber Jessica Rose Sponaugle Hannah Grace Stalter Jacob John Stanton Joseph Starr Kelly Staso Christina Rachel Steed Corey M. Stevens Caitlin Ann Stolzenberg Timothy Storbeck Ashley E. Storms Glen F. Sutter Cory Jay Sweetman Kelly Marie Theiller Sarah Tibbling Kimberly Margaret Tomasula Cristina Anabel Torres Eric J. Towell Ashley L. Tucker Richard A. Tumminello Abbi Lee Turner Jessie Ellen Ufferfilge Melissa K. Upson Nicholas P. Valerio Shane Christian Vallellanes Sara VanBuskirk Sean Martin VanderWall Pieter VanGilst Alyssa Marie VanTassel Jessica Marie VanTreuren Madeline Michele Venskus Courtney Amanda Verblaauw Christopher J. Vicedomini Kean M. Visaggio Angela Lynn Vitale Tyler Raymond Vitone Angela Marie Vitrano Ashley Anne Vogt Philadelphia L. Wagner Nicholas A. Walsh Nicholas T. Ward Heather Marie Wargacki Kimberly I. Warguska Christina Jean Weber Kristie Lynn Weimmer Emily Margaret Weiss Cora Weller Zachary Wengenroth Tara Wentzell Tyler E. Whitzell Andrew Ryan Wiese K. DeShawn Wilder Felicia Louise Wilgus Daniel Williams Amanda Lynn Witte John Joseph Yaccarino Nicholas J. Yacullo Ryan Lynn Yaiser Eric J. Zagorski Danielle Marie Zaremba Stefanie Lauren Zisa Timothy Michael Zmuda