Halloween is not just for kids
HAMBURG-Who said Halloween was just for kids? The Hamburg Senior Citizen group who meet on the last Tuesday of each month in the Hamburg Boro Hall certainly don't feel that kids should be the only ones who get to dress up and have some fun. This was evident by the big turnout of creatively dressed seniors for the Third Annual Hamburg Seniors Halloween Party. "This is our third year to have this Halloween party, and because it has proved to be so popular we have had to move it from the Boro Hall to the Hamburg Fire Department function room," said Betsy Edsall, president of the Hamburg seniors group. Prizes were given in various categories, guaranteeing a prize for almost all of the seniors who went to the trouble of dressing up, resulting in great cheering and merriment by all. A pizza lunch was served in addition to cookies and various baked goods which had been brought by many of the members. "Anything that is left over we bring to our associate members who may be handicapped or unable to leave their homes for one reason or another. We want them to know that they are still thought about," said Edsall. Meeting on the last Tuesday of each month, the Hamburg Seniors stay informed on issues that affect them such as health care issues. They also plan trips and parties and organize charitable events. "In November we have changed our meeting date to the twenty-third because we are having a Day of Sharing when all of our members will donate some food for the Salvation Army in time for Thanksgiving," added Edsall. To attend the Hamburg senior meetings, it is not necessary to live in Hamburg as many of its members live in Franklin and Ogdensburg.