High Point's mock trial alumni reunite to coach school's team

| 22 Feb 2012 | 07:47

Student advantage: experience at the game and in the real world comes home to roost Wantage — Who says you can’t go home again? Former members of the High Point High School mock trial team have reunited to become coaches of this year’s team. Kory Loyola, a history teacher at High Point as well as the school’s mock trial coach, and Lauren McFadden, a lawyer who is an associate with Laddey, Clark & Ryan of Sparta, were mock trial teammates at High Point from 1991 through 1994. Both say they enjoy the strong sense of nostalgia that comes with coaching their alma mater together. High Point’s current team has 10 members. “Working with Kory is great. It’s as if we haven’t skipped a beat. I’m really honored and excited to have the opportunity to assist Kory as an attorney coach. She is a wonderful teacher, and I can tell that the students on the team hold her in high regard,” says McFadden. Both women had positive experiences being on the mock trial team at High Point. They each have been able to use — and apply to their adult lives — the principles they had learned being mock trial team members. “My experience in mock trial led me straight to the courtroom when I graduated from law school, because I knew the courtroom was where I belonged. Mock trial provided me with many of the tools I still use today in court,” says McFadden. “Getting such an in-depth perspective on law and the way our judicial system works further instilled my desire to teach history,” adds Loyola. “As coach, I hope the students walk away with a new-found understanding, respect and passion for the American judicial system.” McFadden’s father was an attorney coach for High Point when the two women participated on the team. Now with the help and experience of McFadden and the assistance and expertise of Andrew Fraser, a lawyer who is a partner at Laddey, Clark & Ryan, this year’s team is hoping to use all of its resources to win the county and even state competition. “We are honored to have Lauren and Andrew take time out of their busy schedules to volunteer and help our team,” adds Loyola.” High Point’s current team has 10 members. They will compete at the county level starting Jan 13, and through early February. Next come the state competitions.