150 hunt for Easter eggs in Wantage

| 10 Apr 2023 | 10:26

About 150 residents gathered Saturday morning, April 8 in Woodbourne Park in Wantage to greet the Easter Bunny and search for Easter eggs.

It was a sunny, brisk morning and children were bubbling with excitement.

Kaden Sidoti, 5, posed for a photo with his mother, Kim, and the Easter Bunny. He was not thrilled to meet the bunny but he did have fun scavenging for eggs.

Melissa Wasberg brought her son Nathaniel. “Wow, I found 500 eggs,” he said, as he pointed to his Easter basket overflowing with plastic, colored eggs.

Megan Landgraff of Wantage and her two daughters, Lacey, 6, and Lexie, 4, were among those smiling for the camera.

Huge grins plus a peace sign gesture came from Brooklyn Dowdell and her friend Bailey Skelenger, who both seemed delighted to be hunting for eggs.