High Point BOE OKs funds to pay for tennis court resurfacing
Wantage. High Point Regional High School will spend $43,900 to resurface its three tennis courts as a stopgame measure before the possible moving of the courts to another location on campus.

The High Point Regional High School Board of Education on Oct. 27 moved $43,900 from the school’s maintenance reserve to pay for repairs and resurfacing of the tennis courts.
The school has three tennis courts next to the football field.
Superintendent Scott Ripley said the project won’t be take place until the spring, but the school did get quotes.
Board of Education member Joseph Conforth questioned the timing of the approval because he said the school is resurfacing the courts at the highest possible price point.
“It wouldn’t be any more expensive to do it right now at this time,” Conforth said.
Ripley said he didn’t know if the quote was high or low, but he said the school also received another quote that was about four times higher. The company that gave High Point its quote had done the five courts at West Milford High School for about $60,000.
West Milford has four courts near Macopin School.
He did say the company will honor the quote and guarantee their work will last for five to seven years.
“They can quote, and they have to honor the quote,” Board of Education President Wayne Dunn said.
Ripley said there would be a week in the spring where tennis matches were scheduled elsewhere.
The school’s long-range facilities plan specified moving the tennis courts to a different location by the soccer field, but Board of Education member Joseph Corazza said that was going to be costly.
“The thought process was, let’s repair what we have because it’s a popular thing,” Carozza said. “People want to play tennis.”