Highland Lakes honors Memorial Day

Vernon. Highland Lakes honors the fallen continuing a tradition that spans 21 years.

Vernon /
| 31 May 2021 | 07:22

Continuing a tradition started 21 years ago, Highland Lakes remembered the fallen heroes of past wars and conflicts on Memorial Day, May 31. The ceremony was sponsored by the Highland Lakes Senior Club and hosted by club president Joyce Healy.

“After a rough year, it’s important that we embrace the future and remember our past,” said Healy.

The Highland Lakes Veterans’ Memorial was rededicated at the ceremony, marking its 21st anniversary.

Patriotic songs were sung by High Hope, a four- women a cappella section of Harmony in Motion.

Pastor Michael Rojas of Christ Community Church provided the inspirational invocation, benediction and talk.

“We remember those who stood the line, giving our tribute to those who gave their lives,” he said.

Rojas defined the anatomy of a hero.

“A hero is selfless and believes the needs of others is paramount,” the pastor said. “A hero never sees themself as a hero, it’s simply a sense of duty.”

The honor guard presented the flags of the US Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard and Merchant Marines.

An All-American lunch followed the ceremony in the Clubhouse’s Lake Room.