Historical society plans Heritage Weekend
Vernon. Vernon Township Historical Society will showcase the Western Highland's Scenic Byway and open the Price's Switch Schoolhouse on Oct. 12 and 13.

As part of the 2019 Sussex County Heritage Weekend the Vernon Township Historical Society will open the Price’s Switch one-room schoolhouse for tours and also showcase the Western Highland’s Scenic Byway that runs through Hardyston and Vernon Townships on Oct. 12 and 13.
The Vernon Historical Society created the Western Highlands Scenic Byway, which was approved and designated by the New Jersey Department of Transportation as New Jersey’s eighth official scenic byway. It runs from Route 23 in Hardyston to the New York State line on Route 94 and also loops over Vernon Crossing Road and Route 517 back to Route 94 in McAfee and to the center of the township. Along the route are featured many natural and historic sites such as the Black Creek Site, Meadowburn, Vernon’s farm district, the Appalachian Trail and Pinwheel Vista, and much more. The historical society has created a management plan for the byway, and byway signage is set to go up in 2020.
In addition, on Sunday, Oct. 13, the society will open the historic one-room schoolhouse on Price’s Switch Road for visitors. The schoolhouse was closed after Walnut Ridge School was opened. The one-room schoolhouse is intact with its potbelly stove, original blackboards, seats, teacher’s desk, and outhouses. Visitors may come to the schoolhouse from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.