Horseshoe League forming in Vernon
VERNON — A horseshoe league is forming in Vernon for any adult, ages 18 and older.
Women and seniors can pitch up to 10 feet closer than the men. Players can form a team with family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. Teams can be mixed adults. Teams shall be a minimum of 4 and up to 7 players. Individual players can be placed on a team. Sign-up deadline is April 7.
The league will start on April 21. There will be a full membership meeting on March 10 at the Vernon Senior Center, located at 21 Church Street, Vernon, at 7 p.m. The center is located at the Vernon municipal building; lower level, next to the police station.
The season plays on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights on a rotating schedule, with teams playing a maximum of two nights a week at 6 p.m. start. Matches last an hour or two. There are four pits at Vernon Veteran's Memorial Park on Vernon Crossing Road. Playoffs start in mid-August and we have an end-of-season picnic on the weekend after Labor Day.
Cost of playing is $25 per person for the season.
For more information, email or call Larry at 973-823-1175 or Eric at 862-254-0868.