Lounsberry Hollow students create treasure maps
Vernon. After seeing a presentation on deconstruction in art, Lounsberry Hollow students Elijah Bruesehoff, Danielle Getz, Otto DeJager, Ava Rivera, Ashley Seeley, Connor Pych, Kaitlyn Hordych, Kaylei Mastrianni, and Kaine Doyle created old style treasure maps.

After seeing a presentation on deconstruction in art, Lounsberry Hollow students Elijah Bruesehoff, Danielle Getz, Otto DeJager, Ava Rivera, Ashley Seeley, Connor Pych, Kaitlyn Hordych, Kaylei Mastrianni, and Kaine Doyle created old style treasure maps.
Each map being a self portrait, and mind map. Students posed for a photo, then ran it through filters in Photoshop to make themselves look like an island.
They transferred this image to their map paper. They created silhouettes to represent things that make them who they are, and drew them as islands surrounding their main (face) island. Students learned to make, and center block lettering for their title. They created symbols for their map key.
Then they watercolor painted their map, and finished by staining their maps with coffee to create an aged appearance. Lounsberry Hollow Art teacher is Erik Villanueva, and Principal is Dennis Mudrick.