Lusscroft Farm to host winter nature walk

| 03 Feb 2014 | 10:36

    A winter nature walk and educational program will be presented at Lusscroft Farm Sunday, Feb. 9, 2014 from 2 to 3:30 p.m. beginning at the Turner

    Mansion located at 50 Neilson Road in Wantage.

    Casual and novice hikers are welcome. All hikers should wear appropriate footwear and clothing for hiking and the weather conditions. Children must be accompanied by a responsible adult (parent or guardian).

    During the guided nature walk participants will be encouraged to look for signs of wildlife while enjoying the winter scenery. If there is sufficient snow cover, hikers are encouraged to bring snow shoes. Adults also can use toboggans, etc. for younger children. Hot chocolate will be available in the Manager’s Dwelling after the nature

    walk. Participants are asked to bring their own mugs/cups in addition to a snack to share with the group. A “winter wildlife detective” display & activity will also be in the Manager’s Dwelling after the nature walk.

    There is no fee for these activities, but donations are requested.

    To register, contact Kevin Mitchell via email or by phone at 973-702-2289.