Mayor ends annual tax reassessments
VERNON. The program, conducted at an annual cost of $100,000, reassesses every residential and commercial property.

Vernon Mayor Anthony Rossi has ended the tax reassessment program that reassessed residential and commercial properties in the township every year.
“This has been a thorn in people’s sides for years as taxes keep rising in this inflated market,” he said.
“I campaigned on ending it because while taking in every possible dollar may be good for a business, the town of Vernon is not a business. Other towns do not do this. It may be great if you are moving, but why encourage people to leave?”
While the program, conducted by Associated Appraisal Group at an annual cost of $100,000, reassessed every residential and commercial property annually. In addition, 20 percent of those properties underwent a physical inspection.
Rossi said experts recommend that towns undergo revaluations every 10 years or when the ratio exceeds or decreases 15 percent.
However, “we also witnessed ratios far less than 15 percent or when tax appeals are out of control.”
“If we get ordered to do a revaluation, the price is going to be close to $2 million,” he said. “If you break down how much it costs taxpayers with all of these increases as opposed to a $2 million price tag on the taxpayer’s bill, ultimately it is cheaper.”
At the expiration of Vernon’s five-year contract with Associated Appraisal Group last month, it was up to him to decide whether to redo the contract or end it, Rossi said.
If the decision was to continue the program, the town would have to seek bids and he would need support of the Township Council, he added.