Rolling Hills to host tricky tray

| 11 Mar 2014 | 02:14

    VERNON — Rolling Hills Primary School SCA Fourth Annual Tricky Tray will be held on Friday March 21, with a snow date of March 28.

    Doors will open at 6 p.m. and calling will begin at 8 p.m. at Rolling Hills Primary school, located at 60 Sammis Road. Big ticket items include a 13 hp Generator, 32-inch flatscreen television, four Disney Park Hopper Tickets, Golf Foursome at Crystal Springs, American Girl Doll of the Year as well as large classroom baskets and more.

    Entry fee is $2 and there is a 50/50 and door prizes as well.

    This is the SCA's largest fundraiser which enables us to provide important tools for the student's education. Questions can be directed to Christine at rolling