SCCC announces TEAS test dates for pre-nursing program
Newton — Sussex County Community College has announced that the TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) required for admission to its pre-nursing program will take place from 9 a.m. until 12 noon on Saturday, Feb. 15; Saturday, March 15; Saturday, April 12, and Saturday, May 17 in Room 317, Building A (the Health Science and Performing Arts center).
Sussex County Community College has entered into a collaboration with Passaic County Community College to enable PCCC students to obtain nursing education here in Sussex County. In this program, students take the pre-nursing courses with Sussex County Community College. Admission to the PCCC Nursing Program is competitive and selection at the SCCC campus is limited to 20 students. Applicants must note that at the Sussex Campus, priority is given to the residents of Sussex County, New Jersey and Pike County, Pennsylvania. The Sussex Campus also gives preference to applicants who have completed a majority of the required general education credits at SCCC.
Applicants for admission to the Nurse Education Program must be high school graduates or have high school equivalency diplomas (GED). They also must meet admission criteria selected to ensure that accepted candidates have the potential to succeed in a rigorous academic program.
To learn more about SCCC visit For more information regarding the nursing program visit or contact Karen Petriccione at 973-300-2136 or