Sussex Borough to hold off on light poles as Main Street revitalization proceeds

Sussex. Sussex Borough may not have to rush to replace the light poles on Main Street at the same time that it conducts its Main Street revitalization project, and could look at other options.
Sussex Borough Mayor Edward Meyer said on Sept. 7 that, according to borough engineer Harold Pellow, said the lighting can be done at any time after the conduit pipes are in place.
“We could hold back on the lighting until we know exactly what we want there, as opposed to picking something willy nilly because we’re on a deadline,” said business administrator Antoinette Smith.
Meyer said the borough could seek grants for its own lighting but had backed off because of the timeline connected to the Main Street project, which is expected to be done sometime in 2022.
The borough’s light poles are owned by Jersey Central Light & Power, which installs them at no cost to the borough. But Meyer said the utility believes the current streetlamps have not yet outlived their useful life. The borough also isn’t allowed to hang banners or decorations on the poles.
The poles’ useful life ends when the pole can is damaged and can no longer function.
“They don’t want to replace something until it breaks and damages something,” Councilman Robert Holowach said. “Noted. Maybe that’s all the reason to not go with them and go in a different direction.”