Sussx approves contract to explore water, sewer extensions

| 25 Mar 2014 | 01:42

    The Sussex Borough Council unanimously approved the Municipal Clerk/Administrator, Mark Zschack, to complete a $4,000 contract with CP Engineers on March 18.

    CP Engineers will complete a report to evaluate whether it is cost effective to extend the water and sanitary sewer lines along Route 23 into three termination points. The proposed points are around: the SS Diner, Bicsak Brothers Property and northbound along the Route 23 corridor.

    Mayor Jonathan Rose said an agreement also would need to be completed with the Wantage service area in terms of cost sharing. In addition, there are “at least three interested parties.”

    Council President Marina Krynicky said the report would include water chlorination and pressure.

    Later, Rose explained that the investment of around $4,000 “makes sense to potentially make money” for the borough. New water customers would “almost be entirely profit.”