Vernon SEPAG group starting second year

| 06 Dec 2018 | 02:59

    VERNON — The Vernon School District the Special Education Parent Advisory Group's second year is off to a swift start.
    A Special Education Parent Advisory Group, or SEPAG (sea-pag) is a state-mandated, district-level, parent-driven group charged with providing input to the local school district on system-level challenges in special education and related services. The regulation allows parents and school district leaders to create and run an advisory group that meets local needs. SEPAG requirements open the door to collaboration that can make a difference. The more inclusive a SEPAG is, the more opportunities there are to achieve positive outcomes.
    The VTSEPAG would like to welcome any interested Vernon residents, or parents/caregivers of any students attending the Vernon School District to attend the SEPAG meetings. General membership is open to all VTSD parents/guardians of children with disabilities, as well as other interested parties, who reside in Vernon Township. Upcoming meetings can be found in the digital backpack and calendar of events.
    For additional information please contact one of the SEPAG Officers (President-Leslie McBeth or Vice President-Michele Fulton at