YMCA announces campaign for 2014

| 04 Feb 2014 | 11:38

The Metropolitan YMCA of the Oranges began its Annual Campaign to help provide membership and program assistance to children, families and seniors who need ITS services. The 2014 Annual Campaign kicked off Monday, Jan. 27, 2014 at the Hanover Manor in East Hanover with over 280 in attendance. The theme of the event this year is “Cause Driven, Race to the Finish” — a celebration of community, mission and impact.

The annual campaign raises funds for child care, community service opportunities, camp scholarships, membership, program assistance, and teen leadership development — ensuring everyone has an opportunity to benefit from YMCA programs, regardless of their ability to pay.

The need is expected to be greater than ever in 2014. The YMCA’s 2014 goal is to raise $1.5 million in donations from community leaders, members, foundations and businesses. 100 percent of donations will be used to fund programs at every branch of the Metropolitan YMCA of the Oranges.

Locally, the Sussex County YMCA campaign goal is $205,000.

“Through the work of our Board of Managers, staff, and volunteers and with the support of the community, I am confident we will reach our goal,” said Jennifer Gardner, executive director of Sussex County YMCA.

President and Chief Executive Officer Richard K. Gorab said families and seniors need support to be part of the Y.

"Our cause is to strengthen community, and this year’s campaign is a tangible way for the community to strengthen the Y in its efforts to welcome and serve,” he said.

To find out more about how to help volunteer for the Annual Campaign at the Y or to make a donation that will have a meaningful, enduring effect right in your own community, visit http://www.metroymcas.org/give or call a Metropolitan YMCA of the Oranges facility.