Ziegler Dance Center holds 20th Christmas celebration

McAfee — Hundreds made their way to Viking Village for D & M Borstad and Ziegler Dance Centre’s 20th annual Christmas celebration.
"It's been so many years," said Renee Ziegler, co-director of the event and full-time teacher at ZDC, which has had a home in McAfee since it opened 24 years ago.
Guests were treated to several dance routines performed by ZDC students—including a lyrical piece performed to a vocal solo by Vernon's Blair Lante—as well as musical pieces from the Rolling Hills Primary School chorus and the Vernon Township High School Brass Ensemble.
Vernon Police Chief Randy Mills then counted down from five before flipping the switch and unveiling the Christmas makeover of Viking Village's largest evergreen as the VTHS Brass Ensemble played a few more holiday favorites.
Santa Claus then made his way to the event courtesy of the Pochuck Fire Department. After taking his place inside Ziegler's annual "Winter Wonderland" display, guests were invited inside to walk through the Christmas-themed room and ultimately to his lap.
After introducing Belle from Beauty and the Beast at last year's event, ZDC added Snow White and Cinderella to their list of Disney princesses available for photos with children at the event.
"We add a little bit to the display every year," Ziegler said.
— Photos by Scott Baker