Ziegler Dance Center opens the season
Vernon. Ziegler Dance Studio's free Christmas celebration on Sunday, Dec. 8, with singing, character appearances and a tree lighting.

Ziegler Dance Centre’s outdoor stage in McAfee was filled with dancers and singers spreading holiday cheer.
The annual free show and tree lighting for the public took place Sunday, Dec. 8th, 2019. The Vernon Township Brass Ensemble set the tone with the opening song of Gloria in Excelsis and played several more. “Joy to the World” and “Jingle Bells” were favorites amongst the crowd.
Several different age groups wowed the public with jazz and hip-hop routines set to holiday music including, “Santa Claus is coming to Town,” “Drummer Boy,” and “Nuttin’ for Christmas.” The Growing and Knowing Academy Singers sang loudly and making their first appearance, the Highlands Stage Community Theatre Singers joined the festivities and sang several songs. Four volunteers partook in the masked dance off, with one person being declared the winner.
After the stage show, the countdown to the tree lighting began and culminated with the lights shining. Then, the fire-truck sirens could be heard, and Santa could be seen on the back of the truck waving to all in attendance. He climbed down the ladder with his red Christmas sack and made his way to the winter wonderland inside the dance studio. Children and their parents walked through the wonderland filled with Christmas Trees and decorations so they could talk to him and take pictures. Santa brought with him Rudolph, Elsa, Anna, Mickey Mouse, Gingerbread man, Christmas Tree and several Disney Princesses.