Newly honored scholars
| 22 Feb 2012 | 08:00

Fifteen new members were inducted into the Vernon Township High School’s chapter of the National Honor Society this month. Chapter president Zachary Maher, along with officers Michelle Lipari, Amy Baxter and Pedro Maldonado, presided over the ceremony. New inductees are, front row, from left: Augustine Altomare, Jamie Jackson, Michelle Storms, Tracey Caballero, Anne Montero, Theodora Avramidis, Marissa Harper, Eric Tarczynski; back row: Ester Carver, Natalia Kafel, James Setlock, Taylor Purdue, Stephen Grib, Scott Lisa, Louis Stengel, David Boehm, Mark Benning, Alyssa Crum and Allison Bicskei.