Nice chompers
| 22 Feb 2012 | 08:04
Kimberly Tauber shows children a dental model during a visit celebrating the 60th anniversary of National Children’s Dentistry Month. Toddler and preschoolers attending L’il KEEPers were treated to the visit from Hamburg dentists Jeffrey Tauber and Kimberly Tauber. “Learning about healthy eating habits and proper brushing techniques at an early age helps children get a good start on a lifetime of healthy teeth and gums,” said Christine Milligan, director of L’il KEEPers. Project KEEP has after- school programs in Vernon, Hamburg, Lafayette and Ogdensburg. Enrollment for Summer KEEP, a day camp for children from 4 to 12, is already under way. Unlimited financial assistance is available to families who qualify. Call 973-383-2213.