Reader recommends Desmond for council
This is a crucial time for working men and women of Vernon. Working families are confronted with the stresses of fighting for our livelihoods on a daily basis whether it be our jobs, our wages or our health insurance. And what about our local government? What we need are strong, committed individuals to serve on the town council. During these critical economic times, it is ever more important that we find fiscally responsible individuals to ensure that the town follows sound financial planning, and can make those tough but appropriate cost cutting decisions. I have worked both professionally with Neil Desmond and served on various townships boards with him. Although we don’t always agree on the issues, Neil is receptive to other opinions and views and has a reputation for making sound decisions, based on all of the information available. And always with the best interests of the town in mind. In his previous term on the town council, Neil Desmond was a consistent voice for the citizens of Vernon. And I would go so far as to say a champion for its citizens. On more than one occasion, Neil has voted his conscience, and been the odd “man” out. I urge Vernon voters to elect Neil Desmond. He has maintained his credibility and integrity, he is the right individual to lead our township. David Gornstein Vernon Township