Youth wrestlers participate in novice tournament
VERNON — The Habu wrestling program traveled to Butler High School to participate in the Bulldog Novice Wrestling Tournament.
The morning session showcased wrestlers ages 5 through age 8 with one or two years of wrestling experience. Leading the way for Habu were silver-medal winners, Owen Lally, Brett Burke, Dave Moyle, Joey Frassa and Tyler Houser. Finishing up the morning session were bronze-medal winners Zach Ezzo and Hugh Shortway. Also participating and showing great improvement throughout his three bouts was "Jo Jo" Germinario, who earned the "Habu Two Step Award" for speed and aggressiveness.
The afternoon session proved to be even more successful for the older Habu wrestlers as Sergio Germinario, Shane Saulnier and Ryan Lally all earned Gold medals while Jake Ezzo finished the day with a Silver medal.
Also participating was Colm Esposito who faced three tough opponents. Ryan Lally earned the "Habu Hammer of the Week Award" with three solid wins including an Overtime win in his final bout to take home the gold medal.