Tentative agreement reached between teachers and board

| 22 Feb 2012 | 08:07

    Approval not guaranteed, union spokesperson says, By Tom Hoffman The Sussex-Wantage Regional School District and the Sussex Wantage Education Association have reached a tentative agreement on a new teachers’ contract. While no details are being made public, the agreement’s status has been confirmed by Sandra Santora, president of the Sussex Wantage Education Association that represents K-8 educators at the Wantage School, the Lawrence School and the Sussex Middle School, and by Marina Krynicky, vice president of the Sussex-Wantage school board. Because the union hasn’t yet ratified the agreement, Santora said she wasn’t able to comment on the details behind the provisional contract. But, she said she wasn’t sure whether the agreement would be ratified by the teachers’ union. Krynicky also would not comment beyond noting that both parties have reached tentative agreement. She is serving as the negotiations committee chairperson for the board since Tom Card, president of the Board of Education, had to recuse himself. He has relatives employed by the school district. Meanwhile... The teachers’ union that represents high school teachers at High Point Regional School District is “in the beginning stages of negotiations” with the school board there, said union president Debbie Anderson.