What makes a good superintendent?
District starts search by discussing qualifications and concerns Vernon The Vernon Township Board of Education has scheduled a public meeting called a “critical issues input session” for residents to offer their thoughts on criteria for the district’s new superintendent of schools. Current superintendent Anthony Macerino had previously announced he will step down at the end of this school year. The district’s search consultants Susan McCusker, New Jersey School Boards Association, will explain the search procedure, the roles played by the board, the staff and the public in the process, and the calendar for the upcoming search. According to an announcement from the school board, the discussion will center on the strengths, concerns, ongoing issues and future initiatives that will face the new superintendent. The information gathered, together with input from other focus groups, will be used to shape a variety of candidate review documents and the interview questions. Input session Date: Tuesday, Jan. 27 Time: 7 p.m. Place: Lounsberry Hollow Middle School, 30 Sammis Road, Vernon