Do you really think?

Sussex /
| 18 Aug 2023 | 08:23

    Do you really think that the government has your best interest at heart?

    Do you really think that the pharmaceutical industries have your best interest at heart?

    Do you really think that the three-letter agencies are concerned about your health or the environment?

    Do you really think the government is the way to solve your problems?

    Do you really think that the mainstream media will tell the truth or just tell one narrative?

    Do you really think that multiple organizations and agencies are not laughing at you, knowing how easily it is to manipulate people?

    Do you think that if people stood up and told the truth that those in charge would like it?

    Do you think that if people band together that we are stronger than government or industries?

    As more things unfold with The Great Reset - realize that you have power. Continue to wake up, question, do research and realize it is far from over. Use your knowledge and wisdom to educate yourself and others. Positive things can happen. We are alive at a crucial time for humanity - stand up for the truth.

    Jonathan Leroux
