Here comes the Lake Neepaulin assessment
The Lake Neepaulin dam issue raises its ugly head again. Here comes the assessment.
I was surprised at the last town meeting on Feb. 20, 2014, where Mayor Bill DeBoer openly admitted to being at fault for the dam fiasco and chaos. He stated, "blame it on me." Well, he did sign the loan for over $1 million for the privately-owned dam belonging to the FOLN. This was done amidst strong protest by the majority of Wantage taxpayers in the R2 Zone. He did not have to sign this; he could have said NO!. This is taxaton without representation. Since you feel this way, Bill, you should clear your conscience and vote NO on the upcoming ordinance. The Lake Neepaulin dam repair should habe been done solely between the FOLN and the state of New Jersey. Wantage Township has no business being involved in this matter and then dragging the taxpayers of the R2 Zone into it. We are the victims. I find this to be a lack of common sense. It is a misuse of authority and oor leadership on your behalf.
At the last meeting on Feb. 20, I was abruptly interrupted by committeeman Ron Bassani. I guess I struck a nerve by asking for answers. Ron, you have your opinions and I have mine. Next time, express your opinion on your time, not on my 4 minutes. People are tired of being cut short at times because our questions and answers do not blend with the committee's or FOLN's. I hear you are running for freeholder. This should be very interesting.
The cost of the dam is $1,200,000+: 1. Lake front cost is $575.95 per year for 17 years — $9,774.15; 2. Lake view cost is $543.36 per year for 17 years — $9,237.12; 3. Tier 3 cost is $28.3 per year for 17 years — $481.11.
Do any of you epople realize that you are paying a privately-owned enterrpise this money so a handful of people can plant their butts on a 30-foot beach? This is not a priority!. This money could be used for a tank of heating oil each winter, school clothes for your kids each fall. How about trash pick-up per yearr? medical cost or homeowner's insurance, etc.? This whole dam fiasco is humiliating, degrading and was conceived by deception. It has pushed Wantage Township a little deeper into the mud.
I believe the time has come for a class-action lawsuit by Wantage taxpayers in the R2 zone.
Rocco Russo