Stand up for your rights, Wantage

| 21 Jan 2014 | 03:37

    Here it is 2014 and all the elected officials of Sussex County are in position. I see Bill DeBoer takes his turn again as mayor of Wantage Townshipo. I read his statement on the front page of the Advertiser on Jan. 9 where he states, "I am dedicating myself to helping the citizens of Wantage through these tough economic times." His first order of business on the agenda should be taxpayers in the R-2 zone and the Lake Neepaulin Dam Fiasco. If he is really serious he should meet with the town committee and abolish this ridiculous assessment that hangs over the heads of the community. This assessment is an injustice and a down right unAmerican burden on the Wantage taxpayers. We should not have to pay for someone else's bad investment, which is also their private property. FOLN bought the lake; they should be responsible for their own actions as everyone else does.

    So far, I have not heard one sound reason why we the taxpayers in the R-2 zone should pay. All I have heard was "this is what the committee wants." Clara Nuss stated at a town meeting when she was mayor at the time. Jim Doherty chimed in with "we have the money and the power to pass this." I often wonder, Jim, whose money? Wantage taxpayer dollars? Who is the power? Are we witnessing a dictatorship? Hasn't enough taxpayer's money been used on legal fees pertaining to this fiasco? From what I gather, a fewe more lawsuits are being geared up for in the future. There is a trend here by some invididuals believing they have the right to say no one else ahs any rights. Our right to choose has been violated. This assessment is being shoved on us whether we like it or not. Well, we do not like it.

    Wantage Township has a bad reputation that stretches all the way to Trenton and then some. Trenton is not too pleased with this. The fiasco was done without using common sense. This is a misuse of power and the township overstepped itelf, opening a big can of worms. A simple no to co-signing the loan at the beginning would have been sufficient enough to settle the situation.

    People of Wantage township, you are being betrayed. Your right to choose has been violated. Stand up and protest.

    If this goes through, you will be assessed on your property for 20 years. I believe this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you don't pay, I hear threats of foreclosure. I guess Wantage is going into the real-estate business. I think some individuals should should tread lightly with the kind of action before thinking about putting families on the street. This would not sit well with taxpaying residents.

    Wantage, taxpayers, especially in the R2 zone, stand up for your homes and rights.

    Rocco Russo