Thanks to Vernon council for policing public comments

Vernon /
| 05 May 2024 | 08:22

    Thank you to the Vernon Township Council for their most recent statement at their meeting April 22 regarding the public comment section of the agenda.

    Running a “tight ship” will benefit all of the community. After all, it’s our money you are using to keep our town afloat!

    According to the New Jersey annotated statutes, “A municipal governing body shall be required to set aside a portion of every meeting of the municipal governing body, the length of the portion to be determined by the municipality governing body, for public comment on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to residents of the municipality.” N.J.S.A. 10:4-12.

    Please note that it says “of any governmental issue.”

    Thankfully, Robert’s Rules of Order gives us guardrails for us mere mortals. Saying “point of order” or “out of order” should be enough for any and all mature residents to accept and comprehend if called by the head of the meeting.

    And yes, we’ve had some problems with inappropriate comments that don’t have anything to do with policy, operations, community concerns, ideas or “an address of grievances,” and everyone knows it.

    Thank you town council for your willingness to step up for clarification in terms of the purpose of the open to the public comment section.

    Vernon has a lot of issues on the horizon. Let’s move forward with due diligence.

    Mary Ellen Vichiconti

    Highland Lakes