Vernon DPW works

| 19 Sep 2019 | 02:20

    This is in response to a letter that was published in last week's edition of the Advertiser entitled, "Vernon Public Works or Does It" ?

    Mr. James Murphy Sr.:

    You made an enormous error by disparaging the Vernon Township DPW, based upon totally incorrect information. The paving project that you described on Route 517, which is a Sussex County roadway, was done through the Sussex County Department of Public Works and not Vernon. If you still feel strongly about the complaints you have regarding the contractors working on that road, I suggest you send them to Sussex County Engineering.

    In Vernon Township, we always strive to do our best with every paving project we are involved with, so to answer your question Mr. Murphy, "Vernon Public Works does.

    We respectfully ask that the next time you are upset about something, please follow the old adage "facts before acts!"

    Ed Babcock

    Director Vernon Township DPW