Why do people keep voting these leaders in?

| 31 Jan 2014 | 04:22

    Mr. Bill Gettler: I read with interest your letter in last week's paper. I have to admit that I was somewhat taken aback by your comments not because of what you said but that I happen to agree with you. Since you wrote that letter to this paper, "Just go to the Video," even more questionable activities have been brought to light and our once outspoken governor has been quite the missing warrior. I assume he is suffering from a case of battle fatigue. Now, for the record, it is shameful that our elected representatives have the audacity to refer to any citizen as "a nut case". When I had gone to Township meetings I sat there and listened to you ardently bring issues to the committee and data to support your position. In many cases I disagreed with you, but I defend your right to question them on their decisions and your right to bring factual information to the floor. I know that many people look to you to be the orator for their concerns and, yes, appreciate your efforts on their behalf. The question I have is, "Why do you and the people of the township and county keep voting these people into office?"

    Peter Compa