Cedar Mountain honors veterans
Vernon. Cedar Mountain Primary students celebrated Veterans Day on Monday, Nov. 11, by hosting their annual Veterans Day Parade.

Cedar Mountain Primary School students celebrated Veterans Day in a big way by hosting their annual Veterans Day Parade on Monday.
Donned with hats and posters they made, students lined up to show their respect to the men and woman that have served our country. They clapped and waived their United States flags as local area veterans walked in the parade.
The Vernon Township High School Band led the parade up and down the pavement in front of the school. Cole, a drum major with the Vernon Township High School Band, said he has been participating since he was a freshman.
“I am happy to be part of this," he said. "I have been doing this since I was a freshman and I am now a senior. It is a nice event for our veterans.”
The band played the Armed Forces Medley which is a collection of the songs of the various United Stated Services. Mr. Max Taylor, director of the band, announced the specific branch to correspond and match up with the section of the medley. Students learned that Veterans salute during the medley and all others cover their hearts with their right hand.