Look At Us Now

Me and My Shadow

Dr. Jazz
Ziegler Dance Centre recently attended the On Point Dance Competition held in West Milford.
Ziegler dancers won six first-place awards.
For full results and information on ZDC please visit www.zieglerdancecentre.com or call 973-209-7709.
Ziegler Dance Centre is located Rt. 94 Viking Village, McAfee.
Weekend Highlights
1st Position Mini Division:
*Large Group Hip Hop “That’s Finesse” won 1st Overall & 2nd Overall Dynamic Award in the 12 and under Hip Hop Division.
*Small Group Ballet “It’s A Small World” won 1st Overall & 1st Overall Dynamic Award in the 12 and under Ballet/Lyrical Division.
*Small Group Tap “Everybody Wants to be a Cat” won 3rd Overall & 1st Overall Dynamic Award in the 12 and under Tap Division.
2nd Position Mini Division:
*Soloist Julia Meneses of Vernon won 1st Overall with her Ballet “Dreamland”.
*Duet Natalie Bello of Hardyston and Cavan Garrity of Franklin won 1st Overall with their Tap “Me and My Shadow”.
2nd Position Petite Division:
*Large Group Hip Hop “The Train is Moving” won 1st Overall 2nd Overall Dynamic Award in the 12 and under Hip Hop Division.
3rd Position Junior Division:
*Duet Emma Casper and Addison Molette of Vernon won 4th Overall for their Jazz Duo “Queen Bee”
*Large Group Hip Hop “J.Lo” won 3rd Overall
*Small Group Tap “Pump up the Jam” 3rd Overall Dynamic Award in the 12 and under Tap Division.
3rd Position Teen Division:
*Lyrical Line “Power of a Dream” won 3rd Overall
*Production Musical Theatre “Moulin Rouge” won 1st Overall. Moulin Rouge also was awarded the “On Point Award” which is the highest scoring dance for the 13 and older Advanced Division.3rd Position Senior Division:
* Soloist Sydney Bosma, Vernon, won 4th Overall for her jazz “Feeling Good”
* Soloist Reese Decker, Franklin, won 5th Overall for his open “Feel it Still”
* Soloist Makayla Snyder, Franklin, won 2nd Runner up for Senior Miss On Point for her lyrical “Only Love”
* Duet Luke DeRenzo, Franklin, & Mason Shirhall, Vernon won 4th Overall for their Hip Hop Duet.
*Small Group Lyrical “Scars” won 5th Overall
*Large Group Musical Theatre “Dr. Jazz” won 3rd Overall
*Large Group Tap “Don’t Stop” won 5th Overall & 3rd Overall Dynamic Award in the 13 and over Tap Division.